Rev. Michael D. Costello Accepts Alumni Award

Left to right: Rev. Michael D. Costello, Dietrich Jessen, Thomas Bandar

The 2024 LSM Alumni Award was presented to Rev. Michael D. Costello during LSM 2024 at the annual Board of Directors Reception on Saturday, July 27, 2024. With over 100 guests in attendance, the event was an inspiring reminder that LSM touches the lives of countless people. Alumni, staff and faculty, family and friends, supporters, and more gathered to mark another joyful and transformative summer of LSM.

Rev. Costello spent nine summers with LSM—first as a student from 1993 to 1996, as an intern in 1998 and 2000, and then as Chaplain in 2010, 2015, and 2017. Upon receiving the award, Rev. Costello shared the following remarks with the audience:

I am humbled by this gesture of the LSM community and want you to know that receiving this award means more to me than you can know.

It occurred to me late last night that none of us really realized as LSM students what it was that was taking place while we were living it. It felt special, but it didn’t “click” until much later, at least for me. We had opportunities to grow in our musicianship and faith that, I believe, can only be appreciated once we have had the opportunity to live life a bit more completely, and then only does it become clear to us.

I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that there is one turning point in my life beyond my baptism that led to me having the specific career I have today as a Cantor and Pastor of the church. It isn’t when I started to take organ lessons or when I went to a Lutheran school to major in Sacred Music, important as those were. Rather, it is the moment that my friend from church, Jennifer Baker-Trinity, came home and told me about Lutheran Summer Music. She has no idea how much she changed my life by telling me about LSM! The following summer (1993) my parents put me on a plane to Sioux Falls, South Dakota that summer I met so many people at LSM that would change my life, many of whom are in this room.

Moreover, the strange turn of events in my life that led to me being one of Paul Bouman’s successors at Grace River Forest, where I have served for the last sixteen years, is something that only happened because of my connections and experiences at LSM. And now, I get to observe students from our church and school community at Grace attending this summer — five of them, I believe. It just makes my heart so very glad.

Costello delivering acceptance speech at LSM 2024 Reception.

I pray that when you all return to your homes that you will continue to speak to others about what this program has meant for each of your own lives and support it financially as generously as you are able. In recent years we have seen a significant increase in enrollment, a national staff, summer staff and faculty that truly get what this program is all about, and a board that is laser-focused on planning for the future of LSM. I think that they all deserve our applause!

Before I finish, I want to acknowledge my mom and stepfather, who drove from State College, Pennsylvania to be here tonight. My mom has been supportive of my musical endeavors since before anyone would even accept me as a piano student, and I know that teachers like Paul Bouman and Martin Jean meant as much to her as they did to me when she sent me off to LSM. Just like so many other parents, she trusted the entire faculty and staff to care for me, and they did—just as they have done for so many of you.

Goodness knows that students of today have many things competing for their time and attention. I see it with my own teenagers at home. Years from now, I am confident that like you and like me, current LSM students will look back and give thanks for this experience. They will give thanks for the faculty, staff, and friends who walked with them and showed them that they are equipped with spiritual and musical gifts unique to each. They will give thanks that their place in the body of Christ is affirmed and known and celebrated. They will know, above all else, that their voice is a part of the church’s song. I don’t know about you, but that is the greatest gift I have ever received.

Thank you.

A conductor, composer, and church musician, Rev. Costello’s work has impacted the lives of many, providing inspiration through powerful musical experiences in and out of worship.

LSM Annual Alumni Award

The purpose of the LSM Annual Alumni Award is to recognize those alumni who have made significant contributions to their community, church, or society at large, and whose accomplishments, affiliations, vocations, or careers have positively shaped our world and reflect the spirit of LSM.


2024: Rev. Michael D. Costello (LSM 1993-1996)

2023: Dr. Sangeetha Rayapati (LSM 1990-1991)


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