Coming to LSM is a big decision. Perhaps your child has never been away from home, and traveling across the country or committing two or four weeks feels really daunting. Perhaps you’re simply looking to get a better sense of whether this is the right fit for your student. We certainly hope it is!
Ask someone who has experienced LSM what they thought of it, and you better be prepared to listen for the next hour as they gush about what LSM means to them. The impact of LSM is deep, and its transformative experience has been a gift for so many people over our 40-year history. But don’t take our word for it – hear from students, families, alumni, church musicians and teachers who have experienced LSM for themselves!
Student Testimonials
“LSM was a life-changing experience for me. I met some of my best friends and I’m still talking to them even though they live in different states. The number of great things I could say is endless. It was truly a blessing, and I am very thankful.” – Jonathan from Texas
“I love LSM. Faith is shared in a way that embraces everyone from any background.” – Seoyeon from North Dakota
“I am incredibly blessed to have been able to attend Lutheran Summer Music Academy, and it really helped prepare me for the experience of being a full-time music student.” – Sarah from South Carolina
“I’ve made more friends here than in school or at home. It’s nice to talk to people who share the same love of music that I do, and to spend time with them 24/7.” – Nate from Illinois
“In only a month I made life-long friends, improved at my instrument, discovered the art of conducting and composing, performed for countless events, and founded the basis of my musical interests that will be paramount in developing my Honors’ thesis throughout college. I dedicated my summer after senior year to this program and wouldn’t change it for the world!” – Anna from Minnesota
“LSM is not competitive or judgmental at all. I feel super relaxed and encouraged here. It’s not about how good you are, but how you progress as a person and a musician.” – Camila from Colorado
“I had an amazing experience at LSM. Learning from college-level professors was eye opening. It not only challenged me but made me love music like never before.” – Joseph from Illinois
Family Testimonials
”I can barely even express my gratitude for LSM. As a mother, LSM made me laugh, and feel happiness and gratitude as I watched my daughter grow and be inspired as a musician and as a person. Even though I was far away from Sophia, I felt like I was close to her. I was able to see, learn, and feel what she was experiencing through the many livestreams, pictures, and videos. This is a great summer camp for people to grow inspiration and knowledge.”
~Camilla, Sophia’s mom
“This was the very first time Kaydence would experience anything like this and be away from her family for four whole weeks. Coming from the Westside of Chicago as people of color, we are rarely given opportunities for advancement socially, personally, or professionally. So we understand the importance of accepting these types of opportunities when they’re offered.
From the moment we walked on campus, we knew this experience would impact her, but we had no idea of exactly how amazing it would be. Not only did Kaydence advance as a flute player, but she also connected with girls from all over the country with different backgrounds and similar interests. Staying on a college campus, she learned the importance of order, accountability, responsibility, and togetherness.
We loved visiting, watching her perform in recitals, meeting her new friends (whom she still communicates with today), and seeing her blossom in this new environment. When Kaydence came home, we saw an immediate change (growth) in her! She was EXCITED to collaborate with her dad and make music TOGETHER, something she’d never done before! As he was in the middle of composing a song, he asked Kaydence to play some notes on her flute. She listened to the track and was able to write the notes down, translating what she heard into music notes! Then together, right before my eyes and ears, they created this lovely tune, with her playing the flute. It was truly magical!”
~Quinessa, “Q”, Kaydence’s mom
“Ezra had a life-changing experience in the world of music last summer. Every aspect of what he learned at LSM has made a tremendous impact. His confidence has improved in playing with other instruments in a group as well as performing solos, and the composition class facilitated a deeper understanding in his music theory. He especially liked the conducting class which introduced the essence of subdividing music. He has been found conducting while listening to classical music radio during study halls at school. This has had a positive influence on his peers and now they listen to some of the classical pieces too! Looking back, what Ezra enjoyed the most at LSM was the community time he spent with others who were just as serious about their music talent as he was.”
~Teresa, Ezra’s mom
“Words cannot express our sheer gratitude to Lutheran Summer Music! We had heard amazing things about LSM, but we still weren’t sure if we were ready to send Grace so far away. Through multiple meaningful and caring conversations with LSM Admissions, we made the leap of faith to her, and we also opted to send Grace for the entire month versus just two weeks. In that time, we saw Grace’s confidence grow, her musical ability expand and, to borrow a phrase, she had “found her people.” In fact, she has found some of her dearest mentors and friends.
Once on campus for the closing weekend, my mom and I found community among the other adults and parents. Repeatedly I heard stories of how LSM became a welcoming and inclusive space for all students.
Grace wanted to share her take as well:
“If I’m being honest, arriving at Valpo was nerve-wracking. I was so scared, but when I started talking to people, I got used to it. I had a great time! In fact, I was so upset when I had to go. I can’t wait to go again next summer!”
As our family reflects on the summer of 2022, we truly give thanks to Lutheran Summer Music for welcoming our daughter in and allowing her to shine her light and love of music with the world.”
~Krista, Grace’s mom
Church Musician & Educator Testimonials
Alumni Testimonials
“I remember my time spent at LSM as my best and most favorite memories. I'm astonished at the impact LSM continues to have on my life into adulthood. My longest and dearest friendships are those that started at LSM. I cannot fully express my gratitude for having the opportunity to attend LSM and be a part of this community.” – Ashley, LSM ’03-‘06
”Unforgettable. I would relive those summers over and over again if given the choice.” – Jose, LSM ’19 & ‘21
”LSM is truly one of the most important and cherished experiences of my life. It shaped the musician I became and the foundation of what I believe about worship.” – Natalie, LSM ’98-‘01
”LSM has been my most life-changing experience. I worked along with everyone involved with great passion and confidence and help make every concert shine. Overall, I was able to find my own identity and became the type of person I didn't believe was real. I owe LSM my greatest gratitude.” – Jason, LSM ’09-‘12
”LSM was a life changing adventure. I had many great teachers growing up but it was LSM that affirmed my desire to spend the last 30+ years teaching music.” – Michael, LSM ‘82
“Lutheran Summer Music is a wonderful place to spend your summer playing music, meet new people around the world and build your faith. You will be welcomed into an environment where people will have similar aspirations about music and a sense of adventure. Everybody is supportive of one another and wants to see you enjoy your time. I'll highly recommend anybody who wants a fun, musical summer to check out LSM. It will be a blast!” – Keith, LSM ’09-‘13
”Attending LSM as a rising high school senior is part of my foundational identity. I became more of myself and carried the experience into everything I have done since then. LSM is woven into the fabric of my lifelong faith journey, education, service to others (career), personal development, interpersonal relationships, and now, as my 16-year-old daughter attends LSM for the first time this summer, my family.” – Caroline, LSM ‘95
”20 years later, my deepest community and many of my best friends are still from LSM. I couldn't be more grateful to have had the opportunity worship and perform with so many excellent people.” – Rebekah, LSM ’99-‘02
”My summers at LSM have been key highlights of my entire life! Every summer, even 35 years later, I recall my music camp days with joy and nostalgia. LSM was a springboard for me to serve the Lord with gladness through music.” – Jenny, LSM ’86-‘90
”Never have I ever found a place that's felt more like home than LSM.” – Matthew, LSM ’12-‘16