Tuition & Financial Support

All-Inclusive Tuition Costs

Tuition costs include room, meals, instruction, programming, and all student life activities.

Donor Subsidies

Did you know?

The real cost of LSM per student is almost $7,000! However, each year, the LSM community raises significant funds to subsidize tuition for ALL students, so that the out-of-pocket cost for families can be lowered to the $2,795 and $1,995 prices.

Thank you to our generous donors for making this possible!

Financial Assistance

Need financial options to make LSM possible? You’re not alone! Roughly 70% of LSM students receive some form of financial support or fundraising assistance from LSM – we’re here to help you, too.

LSM students have three main paths for financial support from LSM…


Fundraising has been a great option for many families to reduce their costs—or even cover their entire tuition! You may be surprised how many people want to support your attendance to LSM.  Here are some popular ways that students fundraise their way to LSM:

  • Online Crowdfunding

    LSM will set up an online page for you to make fundraising as easy as sharing a link with family, friends, and within your community or church. Funds raised through your LSM page are applied directly to your LSM tuition.

  • Church Sponsorship

    Many churches support their youth attending LSM. Often churches will give direct support from their own youth or music budgets. Other times, students will play or sing in worship services, or for church-hosted recitals, with a free-will offering to support the student. Any church that contributes toward their student’s LSM costs is recognized as a Young Musicians Partner congregation.

  • Organizational Support

    Inquire with local arts organizations or clubs, or even with your school, to request financial support to attend LSM.

See more ideas and how LSM can support you in our Fundraising Guide (see button).

Match Grants (Full Session only)

LSM offers to incentivize and support fundraising efforts for students enrolled for the four-week Full Session. You fundraise through the year – and after May 15, we’ll pitch in with a 50% match (up to $500 from LSM) to funds you raise through your LSM-created crowdfunding page, or other contributions from organizations, churches, or individuals.

MAY 15

  • Deadline for match-eligible funds via online contributions or mailed checks

  • Match Grants are awarded and applied for enrolled students.

50% / $500

  • Maximum match from LSM. You raise $1,000 - we contribute a 50% match of $500. (If you raise $600, we contribute $300, etc.)

  • Note: if after fundraising, your balance is less than $500, LSM will simply cover the remaining balance.


If fundraising and the LSM Match Grant aren’t good solutions for you, you can apply for a need-based scholarship through the form below. Scholarships are awarded on a rolling basis through the year, with each application period (due dates December 1; March 1; May 1.

When filling out this form:

  • Please carefully consider what level of financial support will allow you to attend LSM without hardship. (We hope to help as many students as possible!)

  • Please tell us about you! The comments you share here will help us to share your story with potential donors who will want to support you.

  • Last, please note: when awarding scholarships, priority is given to students who will attend the four-week Full Session. This is our flagship program and allows students to experience the fullness of everything LSM has to offer.