Core Experiences for Organ Primary Students
The Reddel Memorial Organ
Play this incredible instrument in Valparaiso University’s Chapel of the Resurrection, the largest collegiate chapel in the United States.
Private Lessons
Two half-hour lessons per week with a collegiate or conservatory-level faculty member.
Studio Classes
Join other organ primary students in weekly studio classes. You’ll learn through masterclass seminars, and develop practice, performance, and service-leading techniques together.
Large Ensembles
All organ students must take part in one large ensemble (band, choir, or orchestra). This experience is ideal for organists who also play a solo instrument or sing, or organists can play percussion. Watch the 2024 Festival Band, the 2024 Festival Choir, or the 2024 Festival Orchestra.
Organ Recital Performances
You’ll have the opportunity to play a solo piece or lead a hymn at the end of LSM in a culminating organ recital.
Meet the Organ Faculty
David Cherwien
Chad Fothergill
Dr. Catherine Rodland
Optional Organ Experiences
Worship Music
Play as a soloist to share pre-service music, or help lead liturgies, hymnody, or other assembly songs in worship services.
Church Music Elective
This elective is recommended for organ students who are interested in pursuing church music as a career path. Hymnody, liturgy, and worship planning are explored.
Organ FAQ
Do I get to have practice or performance time on the Reddel Memorial Organ?
Absolutely. All organ primary students are prioritized for bench time for daily/weekly practice and lesson times. Students also experience a number of other instruments in the organ practice rooms in the Center for the Arts, portative organs, and the organ in the smaller Gloria Christi chapel.