Application deadline extended to May 31st!

Two extra weeks to make your plans for LSM 2021!

In late April, we announced that LSM 2021 will officially be held safely in person this summer at Valparaiso University. This news has generated a great deal of excitement, resulting in many brand new students making LSM 2021 part of their summer plans!

To give every student the time they need in order to plan for LSM, prepare their audition, and complete any fundraising efforts, we are extending the application deadline from May 15th to May 31st!*

Already started your application? You’re in luck!

We will waive the application fee for anyone who completes their application by May 15! Log into your Dashboard> to finish your online application.

This extension also applies to Local Funds that qualify for an LSM Match (Full Session only). Please submit any eligible local funds by May 31st or email LSM Admissions to request a further extension if needed.

*Enrollment is limited to 100 students total. If this limit is reached before May 31st, students will be added to a waitlist if any spots open up. Apply Today to guarantee your place!


Studio Sponsor Spotlight 1: LSM Oboe Studio


LSM 2021 Modifications and Safety Plan